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Hi All..I just recently got the X10i.

Can anybody tell me How to Connect it to My Comp to Use as A Modem Please.:smileyconfused:

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Would als like to know? Site says that its not supported..

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The Thing Is..reading through the Manual..It does say..something along the Lines Of  """When the Phone IS being used as a Modem""..This is wats throwing me...So far every smartphone I have used has had this Function....I find it hard to beleive that sony wud stop it now..!! Anguished_Face

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Interesting question, I posed the same to my network provider (Vodafone). They say that the X10 will not support it on any release before Android V2.0.. I have tried searching the Apps store, but no real good apps available. What I am trying to find out is when Android 2.0 will be available on the X10 - anyone any ideas?. At the moment the SE PC companion is saying I have the most up to date SW. But that is V1. something or other!. After the P900.P910 and the X1, I am finding the X10 very mediocre. A short fall in being able to sync with MS mail, contacts and calendar unless you link it with the Google Mail/Contact/ calendar is quite frustrating!

Though the screen is nice and large, call quality is good and the WiFi  (apart from chewing thorough your battery) is also a good feature

Come on SE get your finger out and build a better phone please!


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Posted in another thread here but I'll repeat it anyway...

PC World's article about how to use Android phones as a modem:

Have fun Smiling_Face_with_Heart-eyes

@Spider1V. I thought Moxier Mail will allow you to sync with Microsoft... Have you tried it yet?

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Great piece of advice on the Modem - have just down loaded and installed, and it works like a charm. Many thanks.

Re the Moxier, No matter how much I try and set it up - it will not accept my email and SMTO address. I have found a rather clunky way in that I from time to time do the following;

For contacts; Export from MS contacts to CSV and then import to Google

For Diary  Set up sync with Google and MS Scheduler and then the phone syncs with Google

For Email; Because I use PGP encryption its just basically a no go, as I cant find PGP for my android.

Any pointers, advice would be helpful and many thanks for the tether link.

Keep 'em comming!


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Thanks Alot..Works like a charm.....Nice One. Slightly_smiling_Face