My Phone Eats Data Too Quickly


My Phone Eats Data Too Quickly


I have Sony Ericsson Z1 and I am on a 2GB plan. Even when not doing anything considerable, the phone eats at least 30-50MB of data per day. I don't stream much videos or anything that can use too much data.

Can you please turn with any suggestions what might be the reason for this issue ?




Hello! What you have said is not normal in any case.

Can you please upload a screenshot of your Data Usage > Mobile graph? That section of the phone should clearly state which app used how much bandwith, and when.


I have Sony Xperia zr and I am using it from last 7 months. My phone is consuming data very quickly I dont know why. Whenever I stream any video it uses too much data. Need any suggestion

Apps eats data if you let them...

First of all keeep mobile data on only wen you use it..

My suggestion is that if you want you can turn off  Automatic sync for the accounts ( you can manually update account data if necessary), turn on Stamina mode and you can Restrict mobile background data from Settings / Data usage / Option menu located in the top right corner / Check "Restrict background data" Check box.

Depending on your social media needs if you wand updates during sleep and don't want to turn off background traffic  and you often stay on a wifi network  I suggest not to disable "Keep wifi on during sleep" because if the wifi is not on you consume more  mobile data if it's enabled.

I personally am very restrictive with my z1 and i don't like " auto-" wen it comes to let the app decide for me or update for me so the first thing i do wen installing a app is looking through options and disable any auto update that can eat data without my knowledge.