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PlayNow Region Issue


PlayNow Region Issue

Am I correct in assuming that PlayNow is region specific?

I can see many applications (free & pay-for) on the Irish PlayNow site;;promotionId=0;applstate=o...

Although, when I access the PlayNow site via my phone, I am confronted with 20 free apps, and a couple of free wallpapers & ringtones. I cannot see any pay-for content.

95% of the content I can see on the link above is not viewable via my Satio.

Even when I got onto the webpage of a specific application, and choose the 'Email link to my handset' option, I receive the message perfectly, but when I follow the link, I am again confronted by the basic PlayNow app store, which only includes the basic 20 free apps - I cannot access any decent apps, and there are plenty of ones I'd happily pay for...

Is this a region issue? Because the link above is misleading if that's the case, note the 'cc=ie' section of the URL - if these apps are available for the Satio in Ireland, then why can't I access them on my Satio...!!!

Not applicable

I am in the United States and I only get 1 game and like nothing else really. I notice when I change my location on my Satio to United Kingdom I get a huge selection but it cost so much more. A lot of stuff is regional, like video calling. I cannot use video calling in the United States even though my service provider provides it.