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After putting my Z2 tablet in for warranty service for some yellowing defects around the edges of the screen, pretty common and documented issue I received notification from the authorised repair centre that my claim was rejectd to physical damage, and $250 to fix.
I questioned the assessment of physical damage, as not a mark on it, and recieved the following response:
"Even though the “yellow mark” fault has been a common issue with some of the Sony devices, and it might have been admitted by Sony as a technical problem, as a third party repair agent, however, we are required to apply the strictest measures when assessing faults as such (including self-inflicted cracks and/or liquid damage). This is the reason for the quote."
So no physical damage was found, the defect was known by the repair centre, but instead of repairing, for reasons unknown claimed physical damage and $250 to fix?
Escalating to Sony expecting both an apology and speedy resolution, no company would even consider anything other than fixing the issue given that statement. No company but Sony that is.
Instead I get a cut and paste email stating my handset (not tablet) had now been reassessed, and not covered by warranty. As if any assessment from here in would carry any credibilty now.
I call and get a manager who proceeds to tell me that the repairer shouldnt of sent that email, so disregard it. Seriously! And she was serious.
She stated Sony have never had any issues with yellowing in any of their products (Despite the Xperia S having the admitted issue), no amount of cases of the same found through google carry any credibilty, that the repair centres statement should be disregarded, and because she is the manager, and Sony say the problem doesnt exist, it doesnt exist.
The whole time I cant believe Im even having this conversation with a manager whose instead of apoligizing and saving the company at least some decency given the false claim of physical damage, telling me no one but Sony is right, evidence isnt required, there's nothing she will do, the repair centre technician shouldnt have sent that response (hahaha of course, pretty hard to argue with written admission....unless your a manager at Sony) then hangs up on me.
I cant help but laugh still that this is going to have to escalate further....
Sorry to hear this but you would need to contact Xperia care about this as we have no influence over Sony
I wasnt expecting any resolution here, just wanted to share their wonderful customer service.
Have contacted ACCC, and several media outlets, with a statement in writing admitting the defect, and contradicting the claim of physical damage, it;d make good tabloid TV having a Sony rep justifying their unusal response.
Most managers with any smarts would just want to make the issue go away, for the sake of probably $20 in parts to them.....guess having to be right, even when wrong is more important to some ppl.