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Hi, I am thinking of getting an X10 and have been reading some reviews.
I do quite a bit of texting, and note that the reviews say the key board is poor for texting.
I also noted that it was suggested that an App should be down loaded called.. The even better number keypad which will solve the problems.
What are your views on the keypad for texting.?
The other question is I note it runs on 1.6 and apparently 2.1 is expected here, does anyone know when?
Would appreciate some genuine user views on exactly what you think of the phone.
I have had my X10 for three weeks now and love it. The battery life is not great to start with but gets better and with the addition of apps from the market (Quick Settings/Juice Defender/Advanced Task Killer) you get pretty good battery life after a few run throughs of charge/discharge.
The keyboard on it isn't horrendous but I, and many others, have downloaded an app called HTC_IME mod from Xda Developers forum. It is free and very nice to use. I use my phone mainly for texting so this is an important area for me.
The other things on the phone like the timescape feature are good, bit gimmicky but I like it. Mediascape is OK too for my pics. Don't use it for music so can't comment on that side of things.
The call volume has been an issue for a lot of people but I personally haven't found it a problem. The media volume can be a bit low through the speaker but I dont use it for that so again not hugely important to me. There is talk that it improves some with the new firmware upgrade but Tmobile UK are being a bit slow on distributing it so again can't comment.
The web browser side of it seems pretty good both via 3g and wifi - no complaints there.
I read soooo many reviews of this and the HTC Desire but the looks and feel of the Sony won out in the end. I haven't regretted my decision and hope I don't come to in the future.
Hope this helps!
Well, until I got the Swype keyboard for my X10, I used the stock keyboard and had experienced little to no problems with it, Sure, sometimes a letter wouldn't register every now and then but it wasn't frequent enough to be a problem and for the most part that could be attributed to my screen having a rather large bubble on it from the screen protector over the letters that didn't register. Also take into account this is the first phone I've had that has a touchscreen keyboard and I've not had any problems. I switched to Swype because it makes texting LOADS easier and faster. Otherwise I'd probably have stuck with the stock keyboard.
The OS update to Android 2.1 is slated to be released at the end of Q3 through to Q4 (so September or later depending on your service provider).
Overall, I am VERY pleased with this phone as I have not experienced the problems that most people seem to have been experiencing with the phone. The phone can do all that it is stated to be able to do and I have no major complaints. For the most part, the only reason I installed apps, like those for the keyboard, texting, and home replacement apps, is because they offer more customizability than the stock apps, not due to problems with the stock apps themselves. Hope this helps!
Many thanks i really appreciate the answer, looks like it will be an X10 with me doing a little tweaking.
many thanks for your help it is appreciated, looks like I will get an X10 and do a bit of tweaking
many thanks again
Good call. I'd simply echo what others have said. The X10 can be customised quite a lot to suit your own purposes, and many of the available applications are free, so you can try them out and uninstall them again if you don't like them. You just have to decide which colour to get now...