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Not long had my Z3 compact, but very pleased with it so far.
I tried pairing it with a desktop machine that had an old Bluetooth dongle in it and it paired ok, but lots of unknown BT peripherals. Put a BT4.0 dongle in and again it pairs fine, but I'm still left with 2 "Bluetooth Peripheral Device" entries in Device Manager (Windows 7 64-bit) with warning triangles (Driver not installed, code 28)
VID and PID are:
I get the same results if I pair the phone with a new laptop... two "Other devices" that aren't installed. I found a reference to this in an open source project bug report, but little else on the net...
Trying reinstall drivers fails, and I've not found any suitable drivers on the Sony site... anyone have any thoughts on this?
Quite common as it's waiting for drivers to be installed or authorised from the paired devices - Usually because it will want to use your device as a modem to access the internet which was a way of doing things back in the day - Some call it tethering or mobile hotspot now
Thommo... don't think it's a modem device... Windows should recognise these as they're quite old now.
Alexdon... some COM ports are configured, so I don't think they're COM ports either.
Thanks both, but I think this is some other problem
These unknown devices are bluetooth profiles that your phone supports but your computers bluetooth dongle/software doesn't support.
If you want to remove them from the device manager you can go to Controlpanel -> Device and printers -> Bluetooth devices, right click your phone, select Properties and then Services. Here deselect the bluetooth profiles that your computers bluetooth dongle/software doesn't support and you should no longer see these devices in the device manager.
Thanks - I've been able to remove the unknown features from the Device Manager, but curious why my dongle (new v4.0) doesn't support them.
The two were: AAS and Tethering Control Channel Protocol.
I'm not sure but i believe AAS is specific for our Smart Connect app which may explain why it's not supported. If i disable Smart Connect in my phone i can no longer see the AAS profile from my PC.
I found the following description of the other service:
This protocol facilitates the sharing of a server’s network connection with one or more clients. By using it, clients can make a request to share a server's Internet connection. The server responds to clients with the appropriate Wi-Fi information, specifying the tethering configuration settings.
I can still use bluetooth tethering (connect my PC to the internet using my phone) without this service though.
As I said in the 1st reply it's to do with your device been used as a modem