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User manual disappeared from my XPERIA?!

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User manual disappeared from my XPERIA?!

user manual disappeared from my XPERIA and it has been to repair two times, no effect...

the user manual aplication conects the phone to this site, and again to a missing part of site so no manual again...

I have reinstaled the software myselfe and no effect again...

any sugestions?




On my X10, I have the 'User Guide' (manual stored in phone) AND something else called 'User Support', which I've never looked at, but it looks like it connects to the internet.  Have you checked in the application list for the User Guide?  I just wonder if you might have missed the 'User Guide' somehow?

When you say that you reinstalled the software, did you update it, or download the whole lot again?  If you update, it will only add new stuff, but if you start from scratch, it should restore your phone to how it would be when new, so the user guide should be there in that case, I'd have thought.

If you definitely don' t have the user guide, and you have conmpletely reinstalled the software, I don't know what to suggest, other than contact Sony Ericsson direct, which it seems you might already have done.  But at least this will bounce your question to the top again, and perhaps someone else will have some ideas...?

Message was edited by: sushidushi, who can't type.