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Webbrowser rendering problem (pink box)

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Webbrowser rendering problem (pink box)

Hi! For about a month or so I bought an SonyEricsson X10 Mini. I was very satisfied with it, untill I discovered an major problem with the included webbrowser. As some webpages run smooth and well, most pages shows up as an pink box with an error message from the browser itself. The message is about the rendering of the page, and that some lines in the html-code have an error. Now most of the webpages on the web do have some minor errors, but it shouldn't prevent the browser to display the page. (for instance, browsing this forum with Internet Explorer it says in the downleft-corner "Finished, but with errors on the page", if I translate directly from Norwegian)

The box even appears at Sony Ericssons Update page for Wisepilot Navigation system. I got an message from the app, telling me to upgrade to a newer version. Clicking the upgrade-button opens the webbrowser, and this time I can only see raw HTML-code as the document. So what is it with my phone. I know more people have the same problem, as I work for an telecom-store that sells this phone here in Norway. Another customer called me, telling me about the same problem.

Does anybody know what that could be wrong with it? I have tried to Factory-reset it many times, even do the "Forced restart" method to ensure a clean start-up.

Thank you for helping me 😉

- Håkon Hassel


I have never used the supplied web browser, as it has been set to go to my mobile phone company's site, which means data transmission charges, so I can't help you specifically with your question.  I have downloaded Opera Mini, which I find to be excellent, and I can use it with my home wifi.  Might be worth trying that, as a way round your problem, if nothing else.

Others might be able to advise on your specific question.  Might not be wise to search for 'pink box', though.

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Thank you for your reply. I will try using Opera while browsing the web from a Mobile network-connection. Today I discovered that if I browse through the "pink box error"-webpages using WiFi, the page displays correctly. So it might be my mobile service providers proxy-server that is destroying the page for me. I will try to use anoter APN, as NetCom (my service-provider) have one for WAP and one for Internet.


That might well be what it is.  There are a few different web browsers out there, but it seems that Opera Mini is very popular, and I can vouch for it personally...

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Yes it was. I deleted the provided proxy-server and changed the username and password from wap to internet. Voila, problem solved. I will use a lot of Opera anyway, as it compress the content. Money to save. thank you for the tip.