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what size memory card should come with the phone

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what size memory card should come with the phone

I've read on some people's comments that they got an 8G memory card with their phone?  Is that standard because the one I got from Orange is certainly not that big.  Can you let me know so that I can go and get a better card.



It depends.

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Mine came from Orange and had the 8gb memory card.

But I bought mine from ebay, so dont know what contract was associated with it - Don't know if thats likely to make a difference though?


The link below is from the Sony Ericsson UK site.  It says that it comes with an 8 GB card and that you can use up to 16 GB.  The specs culd have changed since you got yours, or since yours left the factory.  What size card do you have?  Mine came with a 16 GB card, which is rather nice... Slightly_smiling_Face

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Thanks for that.

Ok, I have just checked the sd card memory and according to the phone it is a 8 G card (lucky you with the 16!!) with 6 G free.  But when it is attached to my computer it tells me that the SD card is full evern though it only has 50 songs on it.  I'll have another look tonight - I've probably done something stupid.  Dizzy_Face

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Mine also came with a 16GB card (through Rogers in Canada) and it is definitely doing the trick so far. I have all kinds of apps on my phone now, loads of music, and a few pictures, etc. and there's still plenty of wiggle room left to go. I would say that an 8 or 16GB should be fine coming in the box with the phone as if need be you can just upgrade later on (by which point the price of the cards will have gone down some).


I suspect that SE began to use 16GB cards as the prices dropped as an inducement for people to buy the phone.  I'm so glad mine came with the 16GB - it means I can store loads of music on the phone and still have plenty of room to be "app happy" in these early days. Slightly_smiling_Face

I don't know why your computer would be telling you that the memory card is full if there is so much space on it.  I think I have about a thousand songs on mine, a couple of Japanese dictionaries (not just apps to go online) plus a few pictures of the family (and Lucy Liu), and I've used somewhere between 5 and 6GB, including all the phone system stuff that's stored on the card.  I do hope the problem sorts itself out.