Share your experience!
Yesterday I found out that my phone does not ring when there's an incoming call although it's not in silent mode.
I have checked everything I know and set the ring volume to max.
Please share your knowledge.
Hi! I'm an Aino user as well
So far I havent encountered such behaviours on my Aino. Maybe you can try to restart the phone, and see if the same thing recurs.
Thank you for your reply.
Is your Aino using the latest update? I'm not really a tech. person, but sometimes, the updates might fix some errors that you might have originally.
have you reseted your phone ??
h think it can fix the problem .
if reset setting was'n't enough , try reset all .
Had same problem ... just restarting helps.... OFF/ON and it works.. and update firmware... BTW check if its not in a flight mode...
I had the same problem and first time i completely reset it, but after one week i saw it had the same problem too.
I checked the charge of battery and i understood that when my mobile has full charge , the ringing mode is melody +vibration , when it has medium charge it is only melody mode and when the charge is going to be finish , it does not ring
well try to turn off the power saving mode... ? BTW how to make ur batery last for longer... put fully down the brightness of screen and turn off menu sound and vibration.... and charge it as much as possible...
Thanks sunnus;
How can i turn off my power saving mode?
I can find the power saving mode in following item;
Select Menu > Settings > Connectivity > Bluetooth > Options > Power save >Off.
But it is only for Bluetooth. i want it works for my ringing mode.:smileyhappy: