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X10 bluetooth connection to various units (TomTom Go720 / Rider II & Acer Aspire 5920G)

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X10 bluetooth connection to various units (TomTom Go720 / Rider II & Acer Aspire 5920G)

I can pair my X10 to my TomTom Go720 / TomTom Rider II and my Acer Aspire 5920G no worries, and can estabilish a connection that will last only 1 minute before being discconected and then forcing me to turn the X10 off and on again to establish another connection for 1 minute before the same thing happens, etc.

I have noticed that I can turn the Bluetooth connection off on the phone, but cannot start it again until the phone has been tunred off and on ... is this usual?

I have used the Sony Ericsson update software to confirm that my phone is fully updated and also I have the Google sync running for my email / calendar events.

All other aspects of the phone appear fine ... 3G connection working very well ... flash player issue (but for another day).

Any comments / thoughs would be greatly appreciated.

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Following a week of being sidetracked, I contacted the SE help team and they promptly advised me to take the phone back to the place of purchase.

As I was within a 30 day guarantee period, my place of purchase (Optus in Australia) replaced the phone for a new one which is working brilliantly with my computer / motorbike and car GPS.

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I had the same problem - the phone was working perfect and started its crap with the BT after the latest update!