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X10 low volume! Can an will it be fixed?

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X10 low volume! Can an will it be fixed?

Hi SE, you should allready know me from your Facebook group or maybe not because you keep ignoring my questions and threads.

So as a start is chose this simple question for you to answer.

The Xperia X10 isn't loud enough. In a pocket I cannot hear it ringing when outside the house or in a shopping mall. Calling someone outside the house is always an andventure because it is hard to understand what my partner is saying. I'm a little bit scared what happens in fall, imagine the wind blows and you are outside waiting for an important call. First you don't hear the X10 ringing and then you have to ask the whole time "what did you say? Sorry I couldn't understand you." Imagine you are talking to your new boss on the phone and all you do ist screaming "Sorry? What was that?" looking forward to that.

And no, it's not only on my device, there are several reviews on the internet that say the same. One testet the volume an the X10 was always about 10 dB under the average volume. Also my ears are good. Btw this is my first phone where I'm complaining about the volume so don't tell me I am the problem.

Oh Se before you STRG+C STRG+V me one of your standard answers, go outside of your audio testing chamber for example in a crowded pub oder a shopping mall and call someone. Then do the same with the Motorola Droid for example and if you still want to tell me "The X10 is OK!" I will go out and buy a hearing aid. Will you pay it for me?

So here the simple question:

Will there be an update that fixes the low volume?

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I have just gotten new X10 and have also got same problem with being able to hear

when  spoken to.

Not impressed with phone.


Hi All,

I realize you've been waiting a while for this, but here you go:

In our next software update we have made changes to the acoustics software specifically and it is likely that this update will improve your listening experience. You will see when this update is available at our Product Blog.

I think this what you want to hear, so I hope you'll be able to enjoy your weekend Slightly_smiling_Face

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Glad to hear about this as I have been having difficulty hearing my phone ringing sometimes (granted this is in a louder environment) and very rarely am I not able to hear what someone is saying. Most of the time, they say they can hear me clearly too. Thanks for the info!

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Yeah in-call vol is low, looking forward to next update.

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Dear Sir,

I am waiting for the "miracle acoustic update" of  X10. Please email me at ; when it is available. People are already calling me deaf because of your phone. Please help. Thanks in advance.


Jeff, When is the firmware update you mentioned here is scheduled to release? and importanly TO WHICH PARTS OF THE WORLD?

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When I turn the call volume all the way up, distorted sound starts coming out of the speaker, especially when it comes to high frequencies sounds.  Can anyone else confirm this?

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sound is poor not only in earphone, but also as a ringtone. The poorest sound ever, i thought I bought the broken phone so took it back to store, got another one, same... I cannot belive it, i paid 500€ to get this "chinese" sound quality!!! If no update that can fix this soon, I am selling my phone.-..... :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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Sell it as fast as you can.

I allready got the "update" because I am on o2 germany and the volume didn't change. Still impossible to hear it when it is in my pocket. I think that the hardware isn't capable of louder volume so this issue might never be fixed.

ATM I am in contact with o2 if it is possible to get my money back or change the X10 for a Samsung Galaxy S.