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X10 low volume! Can an will it be fixed?

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X10 low volume! Can an will it be fixed?

Hi SE, you should allready know me from your Facebook group or maybe not because you keep ignoring my questions and threads.

So as a start is chose this simple question for you to answer.

The Xperia X10 isn't loud enough. In a pocket I cannot hear it ringing when outside the house or in a shopping mall. Calling someone outside the house is always an andventure because it is hard to understand what my partner is saying. I'm a little bit scared what happens in fall, imagine the wind blows and you are outside waiting for an important call. First you don't hear the X10 ringing and then you have to ask the whole time "what did you say? Sorry I couldn't understand you." Imagine you are talking to your new boss on the phone and all you do ist screaming "Sorry? What was that?" looking forward to that.

And no, it's not only on my device, there are several reviews on the internet that say the same. One testet the volume an the X10 was always about 10 dB under the average volume. Also my ears are good. Btw this is my first phone where I'm complaining about the volume so don't tell me I am the problem.

Oh Se before you STRG+C STRG+V me one of your standard answers, go outside of your audio testing chamber for example in a crowded pub oder a shopping mall and call someone. Then do the same with the Motorola Droid for example and if you still want to tell me "The X10 is OK!" I will go out and buy a hearing aid. Will you pay it for me?

So here the simple question:

Will there be an update that fixes the low volume?

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Same story with me buddy... i was big nokia fan... still use E72... my x10 is with SE service... I gave it back to them for fixing the same problem. You do the same... we should fight with them. This is not the way to cheat people. See I was impressed with the quality of Vaio and Sony MP3 player, so i bought this phone... but it was a nightmare. Every one should not carry on with this problem. Every one return your phones to SE for fixing the problem.

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Miracle do not happen this days.... if want it to be fixed,,, go and dump the @#@$ phone at the service station....

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This problem can be fixed... thats what the SE service center at Baroda, Gujarat is telling.. go and give it for repair at the nearest SE service center.

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Ok. For starters, get it out of your head that Sony is the same as Sony-Ericsson. They are not the same all. So assuming that an SE product will be of a certain quality based on a Sony product is not something you want to do. Compare oranges with oranges, if you will (didn't say apples because of the brand associations).

Second, while I do agree that some tweaking can be done for the sound volume, the sound QUALITY has always been there and the volume actually hasn't been a big problem for me (as you can see from my earlier post). Again, read that as FOR ME. I understand that this has been a bigger problem for others but I can only speak from my own experience with the phone thus far.  Actually, for me, the phone has been quite excellent since the latest update (which was finally released in Canada, and the only update released there so far). I have yet to receive a call since the update as I've only updated my phone a few hours ago, so I can't make a comment on the in-call volume but I have noticed a difference in the volume for SMS notifications, i.e. they are louder now. So one can hope that there might be a change in volume for the other functions, though I haven't seen many comments on this since the latest update.

Anyway, I don't mean to rant at anyone, I just wanted to make some clarifications here. I do apologize if anyone took offense as none was intended.

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well congrats you got the upgrade... in dont if its available in India... my phone is at the service centre.. And if sony is selling this phone under their roof they are resposible for it... all the marketing staff promising the same sony quality!!!! let us see....

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and when you think that this is supposed to be the first thing to repair in a new software ...

what does the x10 staff users think about this ? is it to low for you too or it's just the users that are crazy ?

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Just so you know, I've seen on a few fora that people have been able to get the latest update in India as of early this week. So, when you get your phone back from SE, you should try the update process and see if it works for you.

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I have had sound issues with other Andriod phones "nexus" which are far worse, i use the vibrate option for calls aswell which helps. I have been on the XDA Dev forums and a clever chap has managed to adjust the volumes etc but you have to root the phone Slightly_frowning_Face

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I have had lots of sony ericsson phones and all have been very good, especially sound levels and battery life and based on this pleasant experience have brought this product.

the consumers rights talk about a company has to sell , by law , a product that is satisfactory for the purpose and this phone is not. It has faulty basic phone functions of a battery and inadeqaute levels of listening and ringing . it is fautly on these and not repairable by software ohterwise it would be solved by now i believe, so there should be a product recall like you would get for a inadequate operating car ( the fault would be repaired) . i liked sony ericsson phones but now i am putting others off them due to the above. The magic "word of mouth" way of promoting your business will stop with unhappy customers, as i can see below there is a few on  this point.

I suggest we , the customer who pay the research, wages and advertising of the people in this company , dig out a copy of this law and post it to sony ericsson and request a replacement battery and speaker / reciever system or a full refund of the cost so one can buy a phone which does the basic skills of a phone satisfactory.

It is quite interesting that there is no customer complaints or feed back area on this site that results in repairs of faults of new phones.

I have already changed this phone once due to a fault on the keyboard not registering properly on a letter.....

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i work with phones and i don't think that all the hardware is faulty ,that would be imposible cause they are made by specific specs and quality testing ;

in my opp ,the software is faulty ! and you can change the volume from the software ...