Share your experience!
Hi guys,
I've recently got hold of an X10 mini and I absolutely love the device just I seem to be having some problems with regards to battery life. I've found the battery life to be extremely poor, it won't even last a whole day without needing a charge and if I charge it to 100% before I go to sleep, it will have completely discharged by the morning despite just being on standby, is this normal? This is my second device from Vodafone as the first behaved in the same way so I thought I'd just been one of the unlucky ones to have been given a faulty device, I don't know if its me but I sort of expected more out of the phone given the quoted standby time figures.
Just wondering what other people's experiences are...?
Daven Raithatha
I have a mini pro
It says in the manuall that X10mini pro disharge the battery to keep the battery in good condition!
maybe it´s the same for "Mini"
I'm having the same issue, battery needs charging after 5 or 6 hours with no use!
I had the x10 full size and the battery was a problem for the first month.
I posted pretty much the same query as yourself on this forum and then, funnily enough, the next day the issue had resolved itself.
Use an app called 'Advanced Task Killer' to ensure that no apps are running, this should preserve your battery life.
One thing I have noticed is that apps seem to be able to start themselves up without you realising. For instance, I sometimes press the silver key (used to lock the screen) on the top of the handset in order to light up the screen so I can see the time - this action seems to also cause the Timeline app, amongst others, to start up and run. It took me a while to realise this was happening, so the key is to use Adv Task Killer.
Battery life is an unfortunate aspect of this phone - I think, on balance, the problem should resolve itself, hopefully in the first 1-2months of use. If you suspect your battery is actually defective, contact your phone supplier; I reported the problem to my supplier and they were willing to send me a cheque for £20 for a new battery or a new cheap phone (to enable me to send my x10 off to SE to be assessed).
Hope this helps