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x10 mini do new contacts save to sim or phone or mem card?

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x10 mini do new contacts save to sim or phone or mem card?

I have the new x10 mini and cant work out how to or where the new contacts are added to after the initial transfer are,can anyone shed any light on how to check  this please?

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I believe they are automatically saved on your SIM card as when you are in the Phonebook/Contact list, if you press the Menu button, it gives you the option to to Send to SD Card........or at least that is how it works on my X10. The X10 Mini may be somewhat different though I believe most phones save contacts to the SIM by default. I just transferred everything over to the SD since that way they don't get erased if I have to repair the firmware or update it (if updates become available for my region). Hope this helps!

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Thanx will give it a look. Not used to this style of phone,always had SE phones and changed from the W995,its a great phone just need to get used to the way it much to learn though.

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I just get the option to import SIM contacts,group to display sync service and google sync.

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So when you clicked on the More button in the Menu to show the Import SIM contacts, it didn't also give an option to Backup SIM Contacts? If so, select that and it gives you the option to save them to your SD card (referred to as Memory Card in the options). Then if you need to, you can import them back to your SIM card. Sorry about the previous post, I got my Menu options mixed up with something else. This is the way to go though to get your contacts onto your SD (assuming it gives you the option to Backup your Contacts). I had a W580i before this so I know what you're saying about getting used to the X10 phones. Hope this helps!

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Nope there is no option from the contacts screen that will allow you to copy to sd card.....i do find this strange as all my other SE phones allow you to back up on to the sd card and from sd card to phone. I have sent SE and email cos i cant find an answer any were on the web site.

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Well i have just added another contact and then hit the inport sim contcts and the person who i just added was still added so it must save to both sim and phone when you add a new contact. Still find it odd that you cant or i havn't found out how to yet,copy/back up to the SD card. mmmmm Must keep looking a guess. Thanx for your help with this and i'll let you know if i find out.


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Hi jrdwn, I also had a W580i, how did you manage to move all your contacts? if I use the SIM they all appear in many entries per original contact on the "import from SIM card" option.  Did you manage to sync them to the webpage and later upload them to the X10?

help appreciated!

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I first tried to use the website method and it seemed like it would be the easiest way to go; however, by the time I tried this the SIM card in my W580i had been deactivated so that was a no-go as in order to do this, the website sends you a text with the installer to send your contacts to the website. Since my number didn't change the text kept going to my X10. So, ultimately, I just ended up adding them individually 'by hand.' You could try inserting your SIM card from the W580i into your X10 but only the first number for each contact tends to show so if  you have other info on there, you'll have to add that by hand anyway. Hope this helps!

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