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X2 - serious problems and questions GPS after update won´t work.


X2 - serious problems and questions GPS after update won´t work.


im trying ask here because oficial Czech SE support is stupid and speak with me as idiots and unable solve my problems and saying totaly delusions.

Before when i chose phone im a long time thinking and seeking informations and testings till i buy phone.

Im very exacting user that know what do you want and why.

In this way totaly win SE Xperia X2. For me it is one of best phones and best for moding.

Yes also have many problems and construction errors - but that we do not change.

But keyboard is one of best for me - im trying about 20 others phones with qwrty keyboard.

YES i know xdewelopers forum - but before use any mods or try make some mods i rather ask this vay.

YES i read pdf manual - but is posible some things i missed.

OK questions>

I hope so there read too some oficial SE people and somebody might help me. When CZ oficial not.

1) have somebebody too problem with cracked a frame of phone?

At first im thinked so it been only scrach from manufacture, because im controled other about 10 devices that have similar scratches.

But now after using and opening phone is wisible crack.

It is on top near left corner of frame. And before look some as scratch marked as II.

But now after 5 monsths of using look like this.

Phone woriking perfectly but i fear if it can be some danger for future.  And if somebody found this too.

Because as i say at first time look only as scratch.

2) i have some times problem with memory card - it is not visible. I read some threads so it is only soft problem but not HW.

But one memory card has been broken. And im not thing so it been problem that memory card.

And update fmw not help.

3) im been curious why never know so this telephone have FM radio, i want it and flashing phone with newest fmw.

but now i have problems, unable use GPS - IGo8 and gogle maps unable us GPS igo say GPS not found and gogle maps only seek satelites but found 0.

In phone menus not found any informations about GPS. Only setings for external, and fast seeking - via phone or wifi conection.

In my country are extremly expensive services.

At today i flashed phone about 4x times. But GPS wont found wont working. But radio work fine.

Im  also used newest fmw because before phone have problems with speed and teryble reactions. Now are better.

4) pls what mean in comunication manager

Media server and Data conection?

What canal these functions using?

I must data transfers directly disable at my operator.

Put want know what these functions doing and if can be acesible via WIFI, or it is only for phone operator.

5) how i can adjust G senzor? Im not sure so he work corectly.

example at lab 13 have bad reactions and i want try game with ball that is on HTC. IT is there any way how this game test it on my phone?

6) after update when i browse on interentet mainly when i am in square mode with opened keyboard, i see when crolling on close to right up corner graphical cut line. Some that look like as graphic procesor is too slov for refresh or problem with drivers.

Not applicable

1) have somebebody too problem with cracked a frame of phone?. 

No, fortunately nothing here yet...

2) i have some times problem with memory card - it is not visible. I read some threads so it is only soft problem but not HW.

The X2_SDFix by XDA developers will solve this, and is also absolutely mandatory for the stability of this phone.

It will drain the battery a bit faster, but it is 100% worth it! At least until SE come up with a (better) fix...

You download to your phone and run it, and it will change some registry settings that will keep the SD-card powered up at all times.

File may be downloaded e.g. from here:

At today i flashed phone about 4x times. But GPS wont found wont working. But radio work fine

Seems like you may have a hardware problem. I assume that you test the GPS outdoors, will usually not work indoors...

And Google Maps needs a data connection to work.

4) pls what mean in comunication manager

Media server and Data conection?

What canal these functions using?

I must data transfers directly disable at my operator.

Put want know what these functions doing and if can be acesible via WIFI, or it is only for phone operator.

"Media server" is used only via WiFi. It enables the phone to supply media content via WiFi to a DLNA media player in e.g. a modern TV set.

"Data connection" is the internet connection via your phone operator.

5) how i can adjust G senzor? Im not sure so he work corectly.

example at lab 13 have bad reactions and i want try game with ball that is on HTC. IT is there any way how this game test it on my phone?

Sorry, I do not know any way to do this.

6) after update when i browse on interentet mainly when i am in square mode with opened keyboard, i see when crolling on close to right up corner graphical cut line. Some that look like as graphic procesor is too slov for refresh or problem with drivers.

Same here, but it stops when I stop the scrolling so I don't find it a big issue. Probably an unwanted interaction between the scroll rate and the refresh rate.

