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xperia x10 with flash player?

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xperia x10 with flash player?

Hi Support

I will start by saying how much i like my x10 phone... I was wondering and with Adobe already releasing flash player for android 2.2, and we know currently we can expect Android 2.1 at some point which alot of people are looking forward to... Slightly_smiling_Face

I was wondering with alot of websites using flash in there websites and things like iplayer etc, will we see flash player 10.1 on our phones at any point? This i beleave would really show what this phone is made of Slightly_smiling_Face

I know that development etc is painful but as far as i can see the x10 more than meets requirements for flash player 10.1 but adobe say you need Android 2.2 which seems a little like a back hand between Google and Adobe.

Will we ever see flash player on our x10's?

Regards Dan


That's anybody's guess.  Sony Ericsson have promised Android 2.1 this year, from Q3 onwards, and have also said that there would be further updates in due course.  So, my guess is that we will get at least Android 2.2 at some point, and that will make it possible to run Flash Player 10.1.

So my guess is yes, we will be able to use Flash Player 10.1... eventually!

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Yup. I agree with sushi on this one. We'll probably get 2.2 eventually, it just depends on when SE can get their version of it out to us. For all we know, they might just skip Froyo (2.2) and give us Gingerbread (3.0) after we get Eclair (2.1) in late Q3 (circa September-ish). :smileygrin:

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I agree we should see 2.2 even if we all have to root our phones Slightly_frowning_Face but i think one of the criteria for 3.0 is 512MB ramm Slightly_frowning_Face but no worries b4 that happends we will all be getting next gen phones hopefully Slightly_smiling_Face although considering how much this x10 cost i am hoping Slightly_smiling_Face that SE at least get 2.2 on our phones.

Its just getting past the bugs with all these versions of Andriod, hardware, apps, software and this n that it just gets more and more complicated Slightly_frowning_Face  so many damn things with these new gen phones lol...

I am glad i didnt keep the 4g apple phone lmao, they have there own major issues "MD says that flash is old hat and will never allow it, i think its cause apple have quicktime and will push there SW b4 any MS based player gl to apple with that" . and other andriod phones like the Nexis which i have had first hand expirance with are having there own major issues aswell...

I still love the look n feel of the x10...

Although i must stay with all these apple, andriod, win based phones the Phone part seems to have taken a back seat LOL!!! they all seem to have PHONE CALL probs but the x10 has the least probs/issues from the phones i have owned...

regards Dan

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Yeah, with increased complexity comes increased problems and thus, increased repair time being required.

I am fairly certain that 512MB of RAM was confirmed by a person on the Android team as being RECOMMENDED requirements and not minimum requirements. So we should have little to no problem seeing Gingerbread on the X10 assuming that SE decides to give it to us.

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Or the XDA dev team they seem to making alotta head way with there efforts... Although i would like to see SE releases Slightly_smiling_Face

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Agreed. I'd prefer to get it from SE too instead of having to root. Doesn't sound like xda is all that close to being able to put new versions of Android on the X10 yet as they need to do some more tinkering with the bootloader before they will be able to offer ROMs with newer Android versions. Like you and I already said, hopefully SE will give us the new Android releases so we won't have to resort to rooting.