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problems & Bugs After The Latest Update!! 1- When I use a slide position of the device, when I was typing a specific phone number to contact the screen automatically returns to normal status as if you’ve closed Keyboards!! 2- the operation of the device when you insert a PIN number, the image of the slide pin code not appear on the screen fully and correctly 3-Some other problems such as non-work light alarm while standby, the device is often required password, which requires removing the battery and back again to work 4-Excellent sound when you receive incoming connections or listen in the headphones, but when you listen to the songs and photos, and videos or even a preview of music is very, very, very weak low !! 5- Another point in the very important, the process custmization take a very very long time when you update or work formate for the device , NOT A SEVERAL MINUTES! , Why all this wasted time?? Why these items are not put these programs into a software package at the beginning of operation for the first time or formic work or update so that the user choose what needs of these programs without the need for automatic installation! Let the user the choose without lost time or waiting, or use programs may find some of her work is not a need, and take these programs from the area and speed of the machine, unfortunately too! 6- And Finally, and most importantly, the Arabic language services in the Arab region is very, very heavy on the device because the built-localization with strange is that the Windows version 6.5.3 is supposed ARABIC of the mother’s version of Microsoft!! 7- The device is relatively hotter ouch or hold constant while browsing device, is that normal??? 8- Excellent battery during the first update , but after the LATEST update until the battery has become quickly DAM EMPTY, what is the solution? Please solve these problems , WE ARE LOOKING Forward for a (REAL) UPDATE!! thanks ,,,
and please note that the HANDWRITING RECOGNITION is gone after the last update !!!!! imate k-jam is support HANDWRITING RECOGNITION!!! and Xperia X2 AFTER THE LAST UPDATE IS NOT SUPPORT IT!!!!!!!!!! sham , real sham PLEASE FIXXXXXXXXX BEFORE I HATE THIS PHONE & REGRDIT TO BUY IT!!
there is no equalizer for music player!! not even like se x1!! why??? that's truly bad