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Xperia Z2 Alarm wont work


Xperia Z2 Alarm wont work

So, I am having a rather unusual problem with my Xperia alarm. I have done a bit of googling, but I seem to be having the EXTACT OPPOSITE problem to what a lot of others are having.

Basically, my alarm will go off...but it doesn't make any noise. The volume is turned up, yes. The sound/tune I pick works and plays perfectly on my phone. but when I include the song as part of the alarm, and the alarm goes off...?It switches to the alarm page, and does not make a sound.

With that in mind, it WILL vibrate. It just wont generate any noise.

Last night I was able to make it beep a bit after setting it (using a weekday alarm) however the weekEND alarm will not make any noise. I compared the settings for both out of difference. Both identical.

Another interesting side note...when I was trying to pick a tune for the alarm no play, none of the standard alarms would make any noise when I clicked on them (regardless of the volume being WAY up). I had to pick a song (which would play)

I would appreciate some help on this. Having a working alarm is kind of important. 


If nothing works,I would suggest you a software repair.


I am in the all tab, but I don't see a difference between the apps that suggests which are disabled or not.  I went through the entire list.

If I have to do another reset, I"m just going to get a  new phone.


I gave up and bought a new phone. This is one of many issues I've had with this thing. Gone to Nexus 5