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Z3 Compact Updates


Z3 Compact Updates


I've just picked up an unlocked version of the Z3 compact from Amazon. This is my first Sony android device so in unfamiliar territory.

I've been reading that apps like Whats new have been updated to 1.4+and it removes it from the swipe up gesture and there are other apps like the album which have some updates. Unfortunately the update centre isnt picking up anyof these updates. I just had some updates for Video Unlimited and the movie creator.

My software version is 23.0.1.A.5.77 and have update centre 2.3.0.A.0.8

I want to avoid sideloading updates.


Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.

It's hard to say exactly when these apps will be available for you to update. But if you just started to use the phone, it can take some time before Update Centre notifies you about available updates. Just use the phone normally and you will receive a notification when you have updates available.


unfortunately you may have to do sideloading. i asked about this already.



That seem to be the only option at this stage. The unusual thing is of course the Walkman app which was updated yesterday by Sony pushed through immediately whereas updates for Album, What's New and the Weather Widget which were released in November and December aren't being picked up. I thought maybe clearing the cache would cause the app to re-register itself with the update service but that hasn't helped either.

I am quite far behind in terms of updates for a fair few of these bundled apps and it's certainly not due to my region (UK) lagging behind the rest in terms recieving updates.



Try to install the Sony PC Companion and attach your phone to your PC and check for updates.  If you are using a Mac, there is a Xperia Bridge for Mac as well and it will allow you to update to check the latest version and update your phone. 

PC Companion/Xperia Bridge for Mac allows you to backup your files, contacts, apps, music, pictures, etc...and this could be handy should you wish to reset your phone and start all over again.

I hope this helps and enjoy your new Sony Xperia device!!!  Slightly_smiling_Face



Thanks. I've tried that but seems to pick up nothing. Just tells me my software is up to date.

I am enjoying it so far. Blown away the battery life, just find the absence of all the latest software updates an annoyance especially since I'd like to see What's New gone from the swipe up gesture.


2 weeks in and still no update Slightly_frowning_Face

I've waited for over two months now and I cant seem to get any updates for What's New, Album and the weather widget. Everything else seems to be updating just fine. I dont even see an option for it in the update centre.I've spoken to live support who recommended i try and software repair and even that hasn't helped. I'm at a loss. I know a new update for Album has just been released, maybe that will trickle through but still no What's new or weather widget. I dont want to sideload either .

Livechat proved useless as they cant understand that these apps arent dpendent on carrier and my phone isn't locked to a carrier to begin with.