Android 10 Issues


Android 10 Issues

Since Nobody has started this Thread, I will start it.

Let's compile here all the Issues we encounter after the first Android 10 update.

1. Bluetooth Issue.

I have Anker bluetoot earphones and sometimes when I listen music with Poweramp, there is just no Sound coming out. I have to deactivate the DVC inside the Poweramp to make it work again.

On the Android 9 the Problem didn't exist.

2. Crackling Loudspeaker

On some Apps the Loudspeaker is crackling. For example when I play Youtube through Chrome, and play and pause, I hear this Crackling.

Or when I play Games, it Cracks also sometimes. Especially in Pubg.

3. Bluetoot Audio LDAC Codec

I can't seem to change the Option in this Section. It's in the Developers Option.

But I guess these are all just Software Problems.

I hope they will fix it soon.


I found the following issues:

- Failure to read SD card.

After the update the phone sudden and randomly stops reading the memory card. This didn't happen before and the card isn't corrupted.

- Slow fingerprint reaction.

The fingerprint scanner takes longer to unlock the phone.

- Battery draining.

Had to deny location always on permission to stop battery draining and set it to "Allow when app is active"

- Call connection takes too long

When making a call, the phone takes longer than used to with Android 9.

- Ripping off of Stamina mode.

Unfortunately Sony took away the Ultra stamina mode which used to be handy to extend battery life.

- The "Sleeping" Xperia action has also been ripped off.

Sleeping mode no longer disconnects the antennas. I thought of it as a clever solution to extend the phone´s idle time.


Thank goodness. I thought I was the only one.

After Android 10, my mic is screwed. When I use it to send voicenotes on whatsapp, my mic volume is very low and sometimes it gets totally muted. Also when someone else sends me voice notes, their audios are very crackly and staticy....The mic and speaker are fine. Its the software that made things mess up

I think I have been having issues with my internet data also. 


Same to me im using xperia xz2 no sound in bluetooth earphone


Wifi always disconnect after updated to android 10 xperia xz2


In android 9 I could watch youtube with sound when I was in whatsapp phone call, but not anymore in Android 10. 


There are several issues with turning on the camera
1. Very serious problem: there will be obvious light and dark stripes in the photo
2. Very serious problem: There will be a buzzing sound when turning on the main camera, which will affect the recording sound when recording! !! But the front camera doesn't.
3. The camera is turned on slowly.
4. lost the important Panaroma option.Screenshot_20200120-094354.png



Где панорамное фото делось? Думают восстанавливать или нет? Шо за голимый андроид 10. Никаких изменений, одни понты.

Where did the panoramic photo go? Thinking of restoring or not? Shaw for a golem android 10. No changes, some show-offs.


Аналогичная проблема, громкость записи через микрофон упала в разы

A similar problem, the recording volume through the microphone fell at times


Перестал качать файлы с интернета после обновления, пишет сообщение cd-карта не найдена (у меня её и не было) и никак больше не реагирует. Во внутреннюю память не сохраняет

I stopped downloading files from the Internet after the update, writes a message, the cd card was not found (I didn’t have it) and does not react anymore. Does not save to internal memory
