MHL-cable doesn't work


MHL-cable doesn't work

On my  Xperia-ARC  I could the screen of my mobile,  show on my television,  using an  micro-HDMI-cable.

Now, on the Xperia-Z  this is NOT possible, anymore.  That is a big disappointment for me.

In the specifications of the Xperia-Z  you can read, that there is  HDMI-support  via  MHL  (on the micro-USB input).

(Mobile HighDefinition Link).

But it doesn't work.   I bought already two different  MHL-cables,  but none works.

Has anybody a positive  experience with an MHL-cable?  Let me know  where I can buy a good cable !

Or are there any prerequisites for my television,  other than it has an  HDMI-input ?



I bought a MHL cable with power extra cord for USB power and it worked. But it works only if I plug external power to the power cord. Without external power it doesn´t seem to work.

Kind Regards


I am quite interested in how this thread evolves, the OP clearly knows what he's doing, and it's disappointing but not surprising that there have been MHL issues.

I also intended on buying an MHL cable, and would appreciate, as the OP requested, a recommendation by Sony as to which cable to buy.

I was also disappointed and confused by the fact that a mini-HDMI to HDMI cable was supplied with the 2011 flagship Xperia Arc, and that an MHL cable (mini-USB to HDMI) was not supplied with the 2013 flagship Xperia Z.


Yeah, I think this (MHL cable) should've shipped with Xperia Z. I went to show off today's photos on the big screen, grabbed my old Arc HDMI cable and then thought to myself...that's not going to work.


I have used a cable I bought cheaply from Amazon and it works fine. Something the OP said was important - he mentioned a Samsung cable. Samsung use a non - standard cabling arrangement for their MHL connection. If you use one of their cables, it won't work with the Z. Most of the cables out there are for the S3 and so will not work with the Z. My advice is to buy a cable that has reviews from Sony phone users confirming that it works. I did this and have a working MHL connection.


haven't tried MHL but throw through wifi and lan to my TV worked first time - quite impressive - music - photo's - streaming video all worked great


It took me ages to connect my vaio/bravia/wi-fi/phone together. My problem was that I had to connect the vaio and Bravia via Lan. I was stoked that it even worked. I didn't consider it a long term solution though. I'm waiting for the Netgear PTV3000 to arrive in Australia; hopefully that will solve all my connection issues.


I can confirm .. MHL is not working ok. I tried with Sony original cable in a Sony Center on a MHL enabled TV.

Result is :

-MHL not wotking on Galaxy Note 2

-MHL not working on Xperia S

-MHL working on an HTC phone (unknown older model)

I really love my Sony TV, if only Sony could improve their software ..


The Samsung connection is an 11 pin and the Sony is a 5 pin connector.


amazon have the cable here,

Saxonia MHL to HDMI Adapter Cable for Sony Xperia Smartphone, Tablet (Micro USB 5 / 11 pin) Full HD Image + Sound transmission Black
