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Sony SVR HDT500


Sony SVR HDT500


Just purchased this a couple of days ago. Was previously using a DVD recorder to record anything on my Freeview TV. Have always had a good signal for Digital but now I have a problem with playing back anything I record on the SVR HDT500. The signal is still good when I just watch TV it is only when I watch back a recording. The picture is shaky and jerking, it sticks and flicks from the picture of the programme to a blue screen saying no signal then flicks back to the programme again, this can happen up to 10 times in a half hour show !

I'm totally at a loss as to whats causing this, obviously it can't be the signal as it only happens on recordings. Please can anyone help ?


I've had the same problem with my Sony SVR-HDT1000. From reading the earlier posts, it seems that this is due to a software problem. I bought the recorder in April and it has worked fine until the last week. The TV picture now freezes or breaks up, and the sound is often out of sync with the picture. I have tried using my digital TV with its own aerial signal and this works fine, as does my old Humax hard-disk recorder. I have checked the aerial signal strength and quality and this is good. I have tried replugging the HDMI cable but this has not corrected the problems with the HDMI output.  I bought my device from and I have emailed them but have not yet received a reply. I'll try a factory reset to see if this helps.

Have a look at site where there is a lot of further info re the issues raised with the Sony PVR including obtaining box replacement/refunds

After two evening of try to correct the  "Data Error Occurred. Try 'Repair Disk' or 'Format Disk'" problem that looking here I am not alone with following the suggested fix for this issue, I have raised a support question with Sony and will await a response tomorrow.  As resetting the player or formatting the disk does not get my player functioning again and the repair disk does not work I suspect it will have to go back to Sony for repair or replacement which is not good for a player that is only a couple of weeks old.  As this was purchased mail order taking it back for replacement is not an easy option so hopefully I will get a fast and efficient response having spent a small fortune on a Sony TV, Blue ray player and this now dead PVR I am starting to question my choice given how easy this box seems to have died!

I think your hard drive has crashed and nothing to do with the failed software update.

I'd like to know what the updates are and what they fix. One of the changes should be to disable automatic updates. I'd rather apply myself via USB.

I am a dissappointed Sony user!

Just bought the HDT1000 (three weeks ago) - it worked brilliantly until this upgrade fiasco. I followed the suggestions of the sony tech - disk repair. This succesfully removed all my recordings, despite saying it would not (also stated in the user manual). So episodes of series I have been following have gone into the ether. So, upset I tried to record something new, just to see if the previously recorded stuff was just collateral damage, only to be told that the box could not record. If I tried to use the TV Guide it told me that the disk was full.

At this point, I dismantled it from my equipment, put it back in the box and took it back to John Lewis for a full refund.

This was not a budget system at £369! I have never had any problems with the software upgrades over the aerial for my two Sony DVD/HDD recorders.

I expect better from Sony.

Had you tried a Factory Reset & Disk Format - this should have fixed it?

Got my replacement box; all is fine.

Message was edited by: mb1357

Message was edited by: mb1357

Since the debacle last week having done the repair disk bit and Sony switching off the software update mechanism I have to report that the machine seems to be working absolutley perfectly.

However, I am keeping my options open for a replacement box or refund should all the hassle begin again.

One way to to add to the pressure on Sony to really nail this one is through the retailers/e-tailers who are having to process 'faulty' units and all the hassle and cost it causes them.  After all, we on this forum are likely to be the most switched on users whereas 'Mr Average' will just return the box as faulty.

So far, Sony seems to have done the right thing but a longer term solution is needed to avoid any further problems - after all this is a premium product that is, I think, a superb machine.

btw  It would have been even better with twin DVB-T2 tuners!

Yes it does look like the HDD has crashed but given that this was caused by following the instructions for correcting this issue and appears to have been caused by the recorders own repair routine and that I am not the only one here to have suffered the same fate, it hardly fills me with confidence in the products robustness.  I am still awaiting a response from Sony so I am still stuck with a dead box that is less than two weeks old with no way forward!


My box has been pretty much OK since the updates were stopped. I've not unplugged it, but I did reset it Saturday morning before asking it to record the GP qualifying just in case.

Problems/required software upgrades that continue are:

1. Occasionally slow response to 'guide' and 'title' list buttons.
2. Quits timeshift when a recording starts on a different channel.
3. Jumps to 'now' when you press record on something you are watching on  a 'timeshift' so missing out the amount you have shifted by from the  recording.

I imagine the last two are purely software configuration that could be fixed.

Sony seems to have gone a little quiet. Are there any updates for your customers?