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Sony SVR HDT500


Sony SVR HDT500


Just purchased this a couple of days ago. Was previously using a DVD recorder to record anything on my Freeview TV. Have always had a good signal for Digital but now I have a problem with playing back anything I record on the SVR HDT500. The signal is still good when I just watch TV it is only when I watch back a recording. The picture is shaky and jerking, it sticks and flicks from the picture of the programme to a blue screen saying no signal then flicks back to the programme again, this can happen up to 10 times in a half hour show !

I'm totally at a loss as to whats causing this, obviously it can't be the signal as it only happens on recordings. Please can anyone help ?


It has Twin DVB-T2 Tuners

? ? ? ?

Sony need to do something about the fan on this box; mine was whirring away at 07.00am this morning despite the box being in standby which cant be right

Message was edited by: mb1357

Message was edited by: mb1357

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

I understand you are experiencing an issue with your Sony SVR-HDT1000.
I can recommend that a repair disc procedure is performed to your hard disc recorder.
I have included a step by step guide below.

•Press System menu
•Go to Others
•Go to Disk
•Go to Repair Disk
•Select YES to Repair Disk
Carrying out this procedure will NOT erase any recordings.

You must not select Format Disc as this WILL erase all the recordings.

Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your message. I have looked into this problem myself and found a lot of information on online forums such as Forum & Communities: Sony SVR HDT500 & SONY SVR-HDT500/1000 Freeview+HD PVR Master Thread - - Page 16
For this reason, I am not entirely confident about your proposed solution as it seems that some other people who have tried this have lost all their recordings (despite being told by Sony this would not happen).
I am disappointed that there has been no explanation from Sony as to the cause this problem, which seems to have
affected many people across the UK. The online forums suggest that this problem was from an over the air (OTA) software update that the caused devices to malfunction. If this is the case, a disk repair seems unlikely to correct the problem - resetting the player to factory settings seems more likely to be successful. Also, will this problem recur with future over the air updates?
I'd be grateful if you or one of your colleagues could answer the following questions:
1. What was the cause of the simultaneous widespread failure of these devices across the UK?
2. What steps have Sony taken to check the solutions they are offering?
3. How will Sony ensure this problem does not occur with future over the air software updates?
I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

The repair disc procedure has been put in place to eliminate any issue with this recorder. If this procedure doesn't work, you can send the recorder to an authorised service centre and it will be repaired free of charge-providing the device is under warranty.

I am not aware of any OTA update causing an issue to the Sony recorders.

I can assure you that your recordings will not be lost, this will only happen if the format disc function is selected.

Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sony's assurance that your recordings will not be lost is false.

I ran 'Repair Disk' twice.

The first time it was very quick and had no effect whatsoever.

The second time it took longer and I LOST ALL MY RECORDINGS.

Well this really is confusing; would Sony-Tech be able to advise further??

Message was edited by: mb1357

Message was edited by: mb1357

It would be good to get a response.  I will be getting a new recorder next week as mine was confirmed dead after trying to run the suggested fix.  My concern now is will I encounter the same problem with the new unit?  I would be reluctant to run the fix a second time on the new recorder given the disastrous results first time around!  Some reassurance form Sony would be helpful.


I re-set my recorder last week, per "Sony Tech".  Lost all my recordings but everything is now back working OK.

It's now been a week since "Sony Tech's" last posting.  What's going on ??

Is the download problem fixed ?     Will this error re-occur ?     Has "Sony Tech" died ?

GET YOUR FINGER OUT  !                  :slight_frown:

I am lucky in that I have not had these particular problems yet - I believe it may be due to the fact that I don't yet have an HD signal - this comes in September. However, I am worried now about what will happen in September when the HD signal starts.

The lack of any real response from Sony does remind me somewhat of the PSN issue they had earlier in the year. Have they not learned?

I have been a loyal Sony customer for many years and have a lot of Sony tech in my house. I am now beginning to rethink and if they don't improve their customer service I will stop buying Sony products.


Exactly this happened to mine on about 8th July;

lost all recordings, Data Error Occurred. Try 'Repair Disk' or 'Format Disk'

Tired to do reset, repair, and format, each time nothing happened, and machine locked up.

Many other problems before that with HDMI link, giving priority to weak signal channels etc.

So have sent it back.

Great HD picture when working.


I have tried all of the workarounds recommended in previous posts, but they do not work.

Just returned from my local Sony Centre, where I am pleased to say that the box played up just as it does at home. After much head-scratching and checking that my box has the same firmware level as those in the shop, Sony Technical was contacted. The information provided was thus:-

     - Sony have not recently issued any firmware updates to the SVR HDT500

     - It is believed that the problem is caused by the Sony application layer on top of the Linux Operating System in the box attempting to execute firmware upgrades from other manufacturers (i.e. not ignoring them), which is causing the problems being described in this topic. As such turning Auto Update off will have no effect, as this will only prevent Sony firmware updates being applied.

     - Sony are working on a fix (firmware upgrade?), with no estimate on availability.

It has been recommended that as updates occur overnight, that the box be unplugged from the mains and from the aerial. (None of the Sony Centre's boxes on display have the problem as they are turned off overnight, but hard luck if you want to record a programme that is broadcast then.)

In addition, if the above is done and a Repair Disk performed then all subsequent recordings made in the daytime or evening should playback ok. Any problematic recordings made prior to the instigation of the above process may never playback properly.

For those of you who are getting replacement boxes, Good Luck! Sony Centre would not replace my 3 month old box as they say it would have to go for repair for whenever a fix is available.

Message was edited by: Phild22

Message was edited by: Phild22