Share your experience!
I am an excited new owner of the Xperia X10
Recently I noticed my phone loses time (up to 30 minutes!) when set to receive time automatically from carrier (AT&T in my case). Has anyone else had this problem and how did you solve it? I've tried switching to manual time, which seems to be fine, but I would like to stick to automatic, since I travel and it's more convenient.
I got mine yesterday, it does the exact same thing, looses its time in standby.
I gave up and switched to manual
Yes, I too noticed when I first got the phone that the automatic time from server is kinda off (My provider is T-Mobile USA).
So, I just switched to manual and set the time myself...
It's not a provider issue, since I've been with the same one for over 3 yrs and never had any complains. Has to be a phone issue. And switching to manual is not a solution, barely a work around. Why have a feature, if it's not working?
Just an FYI, I'm waiting to see if I can find out more information about this with the product team. I'll let you know when I have an answer.
Thanks for looking into it!
my Xperia X10 also had the same problem. Recently i had to restart my phone many times to know what was the current time. then when i on my phone again, the time was perfect. but then i lock my phone, the next time i unlock it, the same problem occurs. Eg. now is 8.00pm, i lock my phone, 20 minutes later, i unlock it, its still stay at 8.00pm. I really hope that this problem would be solved ASAP as the automatic time would be a great help and very convenient to Xperia X10 users.
If you can shed some light on this that would be great, I recently went away on business, during the flight I placed the phone on Air plane mode. This caused the phone to lose time,,, not impressed :smileyplain:. Its shoddy, I'm in IT and I would seriously have a look at what your QA team is up to?
Actually, I am more interested as to how you would even introduce a bug like that - each carrier sends the time with their signal, it's not rocket science, all you need to do is parse it.
Honestly, this is the first phone I even hear about that has such a problem If it wasn't that annoying, I'd say it's an interesting bug.