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My c510 is not turning on until I press power button 4-5 times, even after I upgraded to latest software, its the same . Some air bubbles are forming below the glass over the screen, seems it is peeling off slowly.Camera not fast enough for moving objects

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My c510 is not turning on until I press power button 4-5 times, even after I upgraded to latest software, its the same . Some air bubbles are forming below the glass over the screen, seems it is peeling off slowly.Camera not fast enough for moving objects


I love my c510, but is worried as it gives some problems to me. The first thing I observed was the camera response. Its very slow and gives blured images of moving objects (I trid many camera setups with same result). No Cybershot action!!!, while my K800i gives me still pictures of even a ceiling fan!!!

Secondly, When I have to switch off, it doesn't turn back on untill I press the power button 4-5 times. I felt its a feture initially Slightly_smiling_Face but, its not consistent varies from 4-5 and when I upgraded the software, briefly for some time it turned on the first time itself, and I was happy, but it was back to sqare one soon(I am having to turn off and on my phone often when it stops showing EDGE symbol above the signal display, at that time I won't be able to connect to net, which becomes OK when I turn off and on the phone).

below the glass plate which covers the screen, some air bubbles are appearing. which are gowing bigge day by day as if the glass plate is going to peel off from there.

As I told, I love my phone otherwise, and is so sad that its giving me these issues. I want to confirm if all these are issues only with my phone or is there any other suffering rom these? and what should I do to get these things resolved?



I would start by contacting your local support since you've already run the update service on the phone.

Check with them for your warranty status and/or repair/exchange options. If you don't have the contact number reply with your location and I'll help you out.