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I would like to know if the T9 (Text on 9 key) system can be used on X10.
I understand Full qwerty keyboard is available but I personally prefer the T9 system.
Would appreciate it if anyone could help!
Tnx in advance!
I know I have mentioned this keyboard on previous posts but it gives you the choice between qwerty/compactqwerty/numeric keypad (which has T9).
There are two versions, the second gives you the option to customise the keys and colours etc. They are both free (but you can make a donation to the guys that wrote them if you are feeling generous!)
Hope this helps.
There are also quite a few applications in the Android Market. I've heard good things about Handcent, but I've not used it myself.
Hey there,
Thank you so much for your reply but I don't seem to understand anything of the "developers" things...
Do you happen to know if a simply "keyboard application" if available to type in "T9 (text on 9 keys)" system is available?
Thank you.
Hey there,
Thank you!
I have downloaded the "handcent" SMS application but still cannot find a way to "type" a text in "T9 (text on 9 keys)" system.
Do you happen to know if this is possible at all?
Thank you.
Handcent as far as I know doesn't give you the option to change the keyboard style. I use it and love it but have added the following keyboards, both of which are free.
The first link is to a plain HTC keyboard that gives you the option to have a T9 numeric keyboard:-
The next one is for an app where you can enhance the above keyboard by choosing colours/buttons/style etc.
Both threads give you instructions on how to install them, I have both and it was very straightforward. If I can do it anyone can!
Hope this helps.
You could try searching for T9 on the Android Market and see what works for you in the results. (EvenBetter) NumberPad Keyboard (among others) will do the trick for you but you do have to pay for it ($3.99). The results of this search also lists Handcent SMS as having T9 functionality. I'll look into how to use it and get back to you. Hope this helps.
EDIT: As it turns out, in order to use T9 with Handcent SMS, you need to download/install the Handcent Keyboard as well. It is free to download as well, so this shouldn't be a problem, just search for it on the Market. I use Handcent SMS in combination with the Swype keyboard and I haven't looked back since, if you can, you should get into the beta to use the Swype keyboard (unless you would prefer to stick with T9).
Just out of interest and giving a balanced view, I have just downloaded the Handcent T9 app.
I'm really sorry to say its really bad in comparison with the two HTC_IME apps I mentioned before.
I have just uninstalled it and will carry on with my beautiful
Hey thank you so much!
I am STILL struggling to install the zip... haha
I have downloaded it but cannot seem to find it to install it... I know this makes me sounds very stupid but...
I really love T9 so I will keep on trying
Thank you!!!
Where are you trying to install the zip... on to your PC? If its saved into a document folder, right click on it and extract all. Once its extracted simply copy it over on to your SD card. You will then need something like Linda or Astro file manager to locate it and install it. Hope that made sense. I'm not a techy person just an enthusiastic beginner and button presser.