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Sony X10 - Customising alarms with an mp3?

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Sony X10 - Customising alarms with an mp3?

Hi, I have just upgraded from the W995 the new X10 today and am already pretty disappointed as I cannot get the alarms customised to ring from an mp3 song instead of the pre-loaded "songs".  These ones will never wake me!  I have saved one mp3 under Ringtones as I selected it as the phones ringtone, but I'm not sure if I take it off as the ringtone if it will be removed from the folder.  I cannot access the phones files from the SE software on the phone and cannot locate the ringtone file which is obvoiusly going to be limited iro space.

Can anyone help me please??:smileycry:

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To access files on your SD card, you need to download a file manager app (I recommend Astro) or use the 'file manager' that comes with PC Companion to find where the file is. I would do the former (getting an app) if you want to be able to do this directly from your phone.

As for using .mp3s for your alarm, I'm not sure if you can do it with the stock alarm app but I have an app called Digital Clock which can be downloaded for free from the Market. This makes the screen of your phone look those 'old school' digital alarm clocks and it also allows you to use songs that are stored on your phone's SD card as alarms. Hope this helps!


I have used a song as my alarm tone, without downloading any extra alarm apps and the such like.  I set a song as a ringtone, by going to the song in Mediascape - menu button - set as ringtone.  Then, when I go to alarm, I have the option to use that song as an alarm.  I am pretty sure you can set several (I don't know if there is a limit) different songs as ringtones and use different ones for ringtones and alarms.

Not sure if this helps, but jrdwn's suggestion of downloading an alarm app is a good idea.  The phone can be customised in all sorts of ways, and there are plenty of free apps out there to play around with, which is always fun when you have a new phone.  You can always remove anything you don't like afterwards...