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X2 MR2 - SD Card detection problem

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X2 MR2 - SD Card detection problem

My X2 was ported with MR2 (Generic_SG) which resulted to stability compared to the previous version.  But lately experiencing intermittent SD Card detection problem.  I have to reboot just to detect the card.  Any solution for this?  or this is going to be address by MR3?

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because of the device cannot read the SD card problem make me lost a lot of data... what i recommend is better backup your SD card frequently to the computer. I also complain to SE many times, but their technician are not so professional and not so familiar to our X2... they only sound politely and told me to upgrade my phone software... I store many things in my X2, need re-install need take 4~5hours (you believe it, and I formatted my phone more that 30times...)   

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hi 95,

looks that u really2 love SE.

I really2 become so dissapointet and hate it.

i bought it Indonesia, all the technician so suct and really2 stupid, don't understand ALL the problem,

Call service centre in Singapore and US, the same.

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hi, putput21, yup, i love what i am holding and typing the message for you now... i think you will feel very interesting and very strange why such a problems maker device i still love it, hahaha!

i bought my X2 when just luanch at january with rm$2500 in malaysia (very expensive- *1st reason) because previously i also using SE phone without complain (without any problems before), plus very satify for holding more than 3yrs, so thinking this is a good brand! great user interface! (*2nd reason) i like something special, difference from other (now not so many ppl using it, is consider special, right... haha! *3rd reason), plus is support by windows, (is windows, microsoft, big company... very day we are using the program, don't we?) sure have current and future support... so is great! (*4th reason who's know...) but in this few months, SE really keep my phone upgraded, always make feel like i am always having a new phone (*5th reason), can see they really work hard for it... because of i keep calling to SE and Mircosoft to solve those problems, til now i make some friends there (i also think they might hate me too, giving so many complain... haha!) they also provide maybe infor for me too (*6th reason) like now i try to claim the part which holding the stylus, it broke, they told me need to ask the hq, cos they never change this part, but claim whole new set... cos they never 'open' this device, here... many more reasons, like i never buy iphone... cos i can customize my phone, and not like control by the phone maker... haha! long story...

i never hate it before, because is so complicate, i just won't intruduce my friends to buy, not so many ppl got the patient for it... hahaha! i just love my X2!

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according to your opinion, its ok.

1. im the strage to, using X2, for my priority phone. beside other, average in INdonesia we have 3 mobile right now (GSM, Blackbeery/Iphone, and CDMA)

2. I just need windows mobile based for my business.

3. last time, I used other brand "H", and very very satisfied windows mobile 6.0 based., and now the brand "H" have problem in Indonesia, and not distribute smoothly.

4. so, while the phone going broken (LCD problem after 3 years), plan to looking for others.

5. all colleagues, friends, ask me to use iphone or android base. but, im still using WM base.

6. and,.....this problem happened.

For this X2,

- i already replace the unit for the new bulk one. last time, everyday re start 10-30 times, i thought its hardware problem.

- they change for me the new one.

- after that, i spend 1 week only for calling and sms (read ONLY)

- so, no synchro and no update, just the new from the factory standard.

- I GOT the same problem hehehehe,

- they said, should upgrade using update service.

- and,,...still so many problem..

thats very good for you to contact to Microsoft guy, but as you know, I did contact microsoft Indonesia, Can't solve my problem also.

I contacted with Call centre Microsoft (in INdia Mabe) still no report.

all micorsoft person just say that for Windows Mobile, all the product, dedicated to the Mobile Phone disapoiting again???


and, if you see in website, I NEVER find the link for Support for Windows Mobile 6.5 heheh

so, if you have any progress, let me know and share ya. and I got, i will let you know too.

3 problems for me:

1. can't doing syncro with vista

2. input letter recognizer

3. chinese reading and input.

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dear 95,

may you come to SE R&D divisiion,

you do so many trial and error,

I will support you:-)

for me, it takes time and make my working activities disturbed.

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hi again, (i don't hink i can solve your problem this time...


because i don't have any problem sync with my X2 and window7... (maybe you try to download the SE UPDATE and run it, cos in it got some drivers... (just suggestion, not sure it work or not...)


can't help again, sorry... (wish they will install back the 3missing inputs from next upgrade)


from where you need to read it??? wed page??? download the skyfire from the marketplace (free), it can read the chinese webpage, and even compatible with the OS...

i am a very heavy user for everyday call and internet usage,

but i never link my phone with my job (i mean data) only voice calling...

i think the one on your hand it really make you mad...

maybe you really need to "change"... if it always disturbing...

(personal advise) can see the furture is on android and iphone,

even skype also not longer support windows mobile...

remember, (this story tell us,) don't but those things which very less ppl using,

(can see you still like it, that's why you still searching for advise)

good luck!!!

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yes, less people use it, of coures less problem solved.

In Indonesia, SE staff said, no complain from 'other' user about this, only me complaining everyday.
then, i asked them, for the more than 200 million Indonesian, how much X2 sold already?hahaaa, no answer yet.

My wife and her family all SE fans. they always use SE.

so, this is my first time using SE, since 17 years using Handphone.

and never recomended to others,

everyday i'm looking for the solution, my wife get bored to SE services too.

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I have the same problem on an X2 I got in the USA in May.

It's running the latest update, but sometimes it "loses" the card and the only way to get it back it to turn off then back on.

SE support said try another card, but that's not the answer - it's obviously a software problem, not hardware.

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I have installed SD Card Fix from XDA-Developers and the intermittent detection problem have been resolved.  You can download it from the link below, if you want to try it out: