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Stolen Laptop


Stolen Laptop

Hello everybody,

I have seen a similar post but cannot find it now. I was broken into at the weekend, and apart from the usual Mayhem,clear up etc, the aftermath of trying to prove to an insurance compnay you have recipets for ketles you bought 5 years ago I have spent almost 2 hours today trying to talk to the branch that i bought my laptop over two years ago, its now maplins, a very patronising young lad from a sony centre saying you should keep ALL reciepts  - I wonder what flood victims have to cope with...SO, can anyone tell me how on earth I can get a nod from MR Vaio central headquaters to say dean rawson bought a laptop around november 2008 for 480 pounds! - help ! - I have other things to be doing like re wrapping my xmas presents that they all ripped up. Sorry to be annoyed but I do not have the 15 digit number, I no dont have the recipet after the warranty expired and so I cannot ring any of those numbers, and my bank on a hunch that I 'may' have used a certain credit card to pay for it. are sending bank statements etc, and this is ONE item I have 14 items more to go ...

the reward for answering this is a big thankyou

happy xmas to all

Dean Rawson


Accepted Solutions

Hi Dean,

welcome to Questions & Answers..

I'm sorry to read that your Vaio has been stolen..

Best I can offer if you happy to please send your name, contact number &/or email address via Private Message to either Blencogo or me and we'll forward them onto someone from Vaio support who will hopefully contact you..

Once you have your vaio's serial number I believe if you provide the following information to Vaio support..

- the serial number of your stolen vaio..
- a copy of the police report..
- contact details of the police department handling the theft..

They will place your vaio onto their stolen database..

View solution in original post


Hi Dean,

welcome to Questions & Answers..

I'm sorry to read that your Vaio has been stolen..

Best I can offer if you happy to please send your name, contact number &/or email address via Private Message to either Blencogo or me and we'll forward them onto someone from Vaio support who will hopefully contact you..

Once you have your vaio's serial number I believe if you provide the following information to Vaio support..

- the serial number of your stolen vaio..
- a copy of the police report..
- contact details of the police department handling the theft..

They will place your vaio onto their stolen database..