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BDP S1100 iplayer 'no documents found'


BDP S1100 iplayer 'no documents found'

Help! iPlayer has been working fine till a few days ago, now it just says 'no documents found'. I've tried resetting etc, switching off router etc but nothing. Based UK, all software up to date... HELP!
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Don't worry about the beeb's "we cannot reply..." response - I had the same thing with the LG problem but they certainly did try to help.


As for Sony playing the blame-game - I saw them do the same thing last year when they sold Android phones with a promise of 18 months major updates and then refused to keep their word claiming that that was always in the hands of network operators.


The reply I got in response to my support email to sony was laughably pointless. Basically, switch it off and on again and if that doesn't work, tell them my postcode ???


As to the cause - the impression I get is that it is quite simply looking for the wrong url (probably down to a very simple typo).


What sony SHOULD do is let us revert to the software that was in use before last thursday - since this problem was obviously created by that.  Surely, that can't be too difficult for them.  THat way, we can use iplayer while they rewrite their update.


And as for the lastest firmware enabling the opera content - it doesn't (in fact, I can't see that it's done anything at all).



It's not just the s1100 that has this problem - you may want to keep an eye on - in case someone there finds or is offered a solution before we are.


Hi everyone,


I bought the BDPS3100 this week and I also have trouble with getting iPlayer to work. It shows a 'No Documents Exist' box. My Opera Store is working though. Is it a Sony or BBC problem?


The fault lies with Sony.  It maybe that the BBC tweaked iplayer but even if that is the case, we know that this issue is only affecting sony devices and that it's specifically affecting the ones in this series - S1100, 3100, 4100 etc.


We also know that many of the apps on these devices do not work and some never have.  That is also sony's fault.



Also having the same problem with an S1100 - updated to the most recent firmware ending 0163. iPlayer still saying no documents found. Having noticed that people were having trouble with the Opera app store I tried it for the very first time today. Error message err:495 "We are sorry but your device is not supported".

Also (having not tried them before today not sure if it's relevant) the BBC News and BBC Sport apps aren't working, saying the device is not supported.

I'm very much regretting not having a Samsung (ITV player, 4OD etc (and although they're pretty terrible at supporting their old model products I believe they would support a CURRENT MODEL!)).


I have an S5100 also saying 'no documents exist' when trying bbc iplayer, lovefilm and netflix work fine.
BBC iplayer works fine on my iPad, so def a Sony issue. I switched from Samsung after a long break from sony, maybe a mistake?
I purchased from John Lewis so may take it back if it's not resolved soon.

Also have the same problem with an S3100 - iplayer working fine up until last Thursday/Friday.  Did the update that was supplied on Wednesday but as with everyone else it didn't solve a thing.  I purchased my unit from John Lewis and I may be returning it for a model that actually works i.e. a Samsung!!!

Not applicable

@saska43 wrote:

Also have the same problem with an S3100 - iplayer working fine up until last Thursday/Friday.  Did the update that was supplied on Wednesday but as with everyone else it didn't solve a thing.  I purchased my unit from John Lewis and I may be returning it for a model that actually works i.e. a Samsung!!!

Bear in mind that all manufacturers have issues from time to time.  Samsung had a problem with iplayer in March I think.  And thats not to say it wont happen again. 


Just glad I have Apple TV and an iPad, bbc iplayer over airplay is fine.
Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

28/09/13 08:52 UK Time - Email sent to support - will post response if / when received.


When I first connected my BluRay player, approx 3 weeks ago, I was able to access all apps/services. Suddenly, a week later, none of the BBC services (iPlayer/BBC news/BBCsport) could be accessed nor the Opera TV Store. I have "Updated the List" for each of the apps, installed the latest firmware (2 days ago), rebooted, removed all cables, restarted my router - all several times - but had no success. My connection speed is over 10Mps and all other services work as normal. The error messages I receive are as follows:


iPlayer: "No documents exist" followed by:


"Cannot open the page.

Please check the following:

- Is the URL correct?

- Are the Internet settings correct?

- Is the LAN cable connected?


Depending on the network status, the page may not open even if the settings are correct"


The screen then gets "locked" and does not respond to the return button. Only pressing HOME wll take me back to the main menu.


Opera TV Store : "We're sorry but your device is not supported (err:495) - Sony Customer Service Response has stated that "Opera application, it is indeed supported on your Bluray player" - see http://


Looking forward to your reply with a solution to my (and many other unsatisfied Sony customers') current problems with your product.


Thank you.